Melbourne Smile Clinic
Covid-19 precautions in place: Routine Dental treatment is available for patients who present no Covid-19 risk factors. Patients who have tested positive to Covid-19 and/or display Covid-19 symptons are advised to delay dental treatment until clear of all risks.  Patients will need to hand-sanitise and use a disinfecting mouthrinse prior to treatment being provided. All our staff is currently vaccinated as per mandated by the Victorian Government.

Minimally invasive and conservative Smile makeover with Invisalign and veneer

At the Melbourne Smile Clinic, we aim to have a minimally invasive and conservative approach to treatment. This means that we try to minimise the need to drill into teeth, especially if the teeth are intact and decay-free to start with

Before treatment, this patient had a crown placed on her left central incisor overseas. The crown was shaped differently from her right central incisor, leading to an uneven and asymmetric smile. The patient was also unhappy with her prominent and crooked lateral incisors and lower teeth. 

Invisalign clear aligners were used first to straighten the teeth into a more harmonious arch. A new veneer was then placed on the right central incisor to match the pre-existing crown on the left incisor, restoring symmetry. 

By using Invisalign to even out the teeth first, we avoided the need for multiple veneers. Only 1 veneer was needed on the left central incisor. Without Invisalign, the crooked lateral incisors would have needed veneers as well and would have had to be cut down extensively to achieve the desired shape. When teeth are cut down extensively, there is a risk of sensitivity and pain in the long term.

Since only 1 veneer was needed, the need for complex maintenance in the long term is minimised as well. 


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