Melbourne Smile Clinic
Covid-19 precautions in place: Routine Dental treatment is available for patients who present no Covid-19 risk factors. Patients who have tested positive to Covid-19 and/or display Covid-19 symptons are advised to delay dental treatment until clear of all risks.  Patients will need to hand-sanitise and use a disinfecting mouthrinse prior to treatment being provided. All our staff is currently vaccinated as per mandated by the Victorian Government.

Can Dental Implants fail?

Implants nowadays, have a success rate of 98%, when placed in a healthy site and by a trained operator.

The implant itself can fail if the surrounding bone does not heal properly after it has been placed. This is called integration failure and  can occur as a result of infection of the site, poor bone healing or premature loading of the implant after surgical placement. A history of smoking and gum disease can reduce the success rate of implants. If an implant fails to integrate, it will eventually become loose in the bone and can even fall out. It is therefore critical that all proper procedures are followed to allow the implant to integrate successfully in the jaw bone.

Failure can also happen if the artificial tooth (crown) placed on the implant breaks or falls off.  In some cases, the crown is held onto the implant by a small screw. Loosening of that screw can happen over time and does not necessarily imply failure as the screw can often be tightened or replaced. However, if the chewing forces on the crown are excessive, the crown can fracture and need to be replaced.

It is important to have regular checks at your dentist to ensure the implant remains in good condition. Good gum health is vital and must be maintained by adequate oral hygiene and regular professional cleans.